Demystifying the Intact Penis (YWB)
IMAGES. "Just as the clitoris is covered by the prepuce (clitoral hood) to keep it sensitive and protected, so is the glans (head of the penis) covered by the prepuce (foreskin) to keep it sensitive and protected. The clitoris and glans (head of the penis) are internal organs, only meant to come out for “special” occasions. All animals, male and female, human and nonhuman, are born with a prepuce (clitoral hood/foreskin) because of the protection it offers our most sensitive and intimate body parts."
Restoration (YWB)
"Foreskin restoration, involves tugging or pulling on the skin where the foreskin used to be. The tension causes the skin to stretch and grow. It can extend onto the glans and eventually cover it. Achieving a covered glans takes consistent, regular tugging, and is a multi-year process."
Foreskin Positivity (YWB)
"Many people in the United States still believe that parents rarely keep their sons intact and that doing so will lead to many complications. Your Whole Baby has the privilege of interacting with many families who have intact sons, adults who have intact partners, and intact men. This normalizes intact for us, and we are lucky enough to see that intact is awesome. We want to share this foreskin positivity with anyone nervous in their decision to keep their son whole. Intact is natural, safe, healthy, fun, and normal."
Does Circumcision Reduce Penis Sensitivity? The Answer Is Not Clear Cut (Brian Earp)
"Lesson #1. The foreskin is part of the penis. It is made up of sensitive tissue (more on this below); so if you remove it, the penis loses sensitivity by definition. Specifically, it loses all of the sensitivity experienced in the foreskin itself, along with all subjective sensations that are unique to having a foreskin."
From Finland
"I am a 32 year old woman from Finland, which has a neonatal circumcision rate of zero (1). I have been following Your Whole Baby for several months now and would like to tell you why. Last summer something happened for the first time in my life: I saw a circumcised penis."
Images of Normal, Intact Penises and Circumcised Penises (NYTC)
IMAGES. "Parents who circumcised their sons better hope they never find out what a normal penis looks like. Who wouldn't want a deeply-colored, supple, rich glans penis, especially compared to a dried-out circumcised glans with a scar on the shaft where nerve-rich, erogenous tissue used to reside?"
Appearance: Intact Versus Circumcised (Images)
IMAGES. "The following images are for the benefit of US women and others who have never seen an intact penis erect."
Circumcision and the Code of Ethics (CIRP)
"Since the neonatal circumcision rate in Finland, where virtually every male wishes to preserve his foreskin, is zero, and since the risk of needing a late circumcision in Finland is one in 16,667, it follows that almost all of the circumcisions still being done in North America have no medical necessity, and in fact, are contraindicated."
Foreskin Sexual Function (CIRP)
"The human foreskin is highly innervated, and vascularized sensitive erogenous tissue. It plays an important role in normal human sexual response and is necessary for normal copulatory behavior. An understanding of this role is now emerging in the scientific literature. Removal of the foreskin (circumcision) interferes with normal sexual function."
Fine-Touch Pressure Thresholds in the Adult Penis (NCBI)
"The glans of the circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the uncircumcised penis."
The Touch Test: Can You Feel the Difference (The Whole Network)
"So you've heard that the foreskin is very sensitive tissue and "feels different" than normal touch. But how exactly does it feel different? Is there a way to find out? Try the "touch test" and see for yourself!"
Foreskin (Wikipedia)
"The foreskin enables the penis to slip in and out of the vagina non-abrasively inside its own sheath of self lubricating, movable skin."
What is Lost from Circumcision (NORM)
"Many people think circumcision removes nothing more than a little extra skin. The truth is that circumcision removes several critical components of male sexual anatomy. This list enumerates everything currently known to be lost when one is circumcised."
Effects of Male Circumcision on Female Arousal and Orgasm (The New Zealand Medical Journal)
"O'Hara reported that women who had experienced coitus with both intact and circumcised men preferred intact partners by a ratio of 8.6 to one."
Functions of the Foreskin (
"In order to appreciate the sexual functions of the foreskin, refer to Figures 5–9, which clarify what the foreskin is and how it works. Figures 5 and 6 show the difference between a circumcised and an uncircumcised penis in the relaxed or flaccid state. Note that the foreskin serves to cover the glans or head of the penis."
Adult Penis II (Sex as Nature Intended It)
IMAGES. This website has many images of intact and circumcised penises with explanations as to the effects of circumcision.
Foreskin Restoration (NORM)
"With no accurate means of comparison, the typical circumcised man does not know what he is missing. A man, colorblind from birth and thinking his sight is normal, might also never question his condition. However, as a man ages, he loses sensitivity of the penis."
Naturally Occurring Smegma in Males and Females (Wikipedia)
"Both sexes can produce smegma. In males, smegma is produced and can collect under the foreskin; in females, it collects around the clitoris and in the folds of the labia minora."
Benefits of Smegma (Dr. Joyce Wright)
"Is Smegma useful? Yes, certainly. It lubricates the cavity between the foreskin of the penis and the glans, thus allowing smooth movement between them during intercourse."
The Advantages of Foreskin (No Harm)
"1. Full penis length and circumference. The "prepuce" (foreskin) constitutes 50% or more of the skin system of the penis. If unfolded and spread flat, the average adult foreskin measures 60-90 square centimeters (10-14 square inches), or about the size of an index card. The foreskin creates a visibly longer penis, especially when the foreskin extends beyond the head of the penis..."
The Foreskin: Why is it Such a Secret in North America? (Mad Science Writer)
"I was nineteen or twenty years old when a male friend of mine, we'll call him Bill, let me in on a most shocking fact: He was missing part of his penis, and so were almost all boys and men that I had ever seen in my entire life, as well as all the anatomical diagrams that I had ever seen. Ever."