Circumcision for profit. At the expense of your child. What does circumcision cost? Potential costs of circumcision his rights, his trust, his freedoms, his health, his life, his comfort, his ability to latch, his body image, his sex life, and many more Think each year over 1 million american baby boys are strapped down and have a functional part of their penile anatomy focibly amputated. The medical industry, which promotes this barbarism, earns more than $361,900,000 in gross revenue from this unnecessary genital mutilation ritual. You are a strong, independent woman. Don't let the doctors foll you and oppress your son. Circumcision is torture. The only medical need for circumcision is the need doctors have to make more money. American's should know by now that we have a for-profit medical system, that businesses can manipulate studies and media content, and that doctors, like all businessment, are profitable first and eithical only to a degree. Dave Branch Profiting from the sale of infant foreskins is easier than stealing candy from a baby! Companies that buy and sell foreskins atcc glbalstem apligraf skinmedica fibrogro and mre circumcision isn't about health it's about money. Circumcision is big business. Neonatal circumcision is the most frequently performed routine operation in the US. Doctors are collecting as much as $240 million yearly to perform 1.2 million needless operations on 1.2 million normal penises. In England under socialized medicine when physicians were no longer compensated monetarily, the circumcision rate fell to below 0.5% What do Bob, Frank, Hank, and Paul have in common? Chevrolet dodge ford circumcision salesman circumciser They all promote the product that pays their bills. Parents should be wary of anyone who tries to retract their child's foreskin, and especially wary of anyone who wants to cut it off. Human foreskins are in great demand for any number of commerical enterprises, and the marketing of
We believe, if you have the information necessary to see circumcision in a new light, free from cultural blinders, you will not choose it for your son. Your protective instincts will scream NO as far as the ear can hear.
Gently providing education on care of the intact penis, functions of the foreskin, and the lifelong harms of circumcision in an effort to end infant genital cutting.
Your Whole Baby is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, registered in the state of Texas. 2014-2021. All rights reserved. ©
Mailing Address: 539 West Commerce St., Suite 492, Dallas, TX 75208
In Loving Memory of Jonathon Conte, 1981-2016
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The information provided on this website is for information and research purposes. It should not be substituted for medical care. For healthcare, seek a qualified medical professional who is knowledgeable on the benefits of a whole body and intact care and who knows the harms involved in circumcision and forced retraction. Visit the Choosing a Pediatrician page for assistance in picking a doctor who is right for your family.
This website contains (and links to) graphic content for educational purposes.
Your Whole Baby has a diverse group of members whom we embrace and value. It is our policy to be inclusive and mindful of this diversity in our publications and interactions with others. We are committed to the presence and contributions of all persons regardless of their age, culture, abilities, ethnic origin, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. We believe that prejudice, oppression, and discrimination are detrimental in the ability to spread awareness of genital autonomy.
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